Abstract Guidelines

Guidelines For Abstract Submission

Standard Requisites of - Abstract Submission

  • All authors should be Members of Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Society of Gastroenterology.
  • Registration for MahaISGCON – 2024 Conference is mandatory for presenting E-Poster or Oral Presentation.
  • Presentation time remains same for all the Abstract presentation (8 mins + 2 mins)
  • Email your abstract on mahaisgcon2024shirdi@gmail.com
  • Abstract to be submitted through email only
  • No Phone calls will be entertained regarding acceptance of any abstracts; the Scientific Committees’ decision will be final
  • The deadline for all abstract submission will be on 01st December 2024.
  • All authors selected for Oral & ePoster Presentation will be intimated by 31st December 2024.

Guidelines For E Poster Presentation


MahaISGCON Shirdi invites you to send in abstracts for e-poster presentation at MAHAISGCON Conference to be held on 11th & 12th January 2024

General Guidelines

  • The E-poster will be displayed on standard Portrait Format
  • File format should be High Resolution JPEG.
  • Single JPEG should be sent.
  • Animation/movies/sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static JPEG (Not GIF etc)

Design specifications

  • The E-poster needs to be created as per suggestion under
  • Each Poster title should be placed in a title placeholder
  • The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgements
  • The poster should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized
  • The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one
  • The correct font size depends greatly on the fonts used in the JPEG and the thumb rule should be that if its visible well on the computer screen it shall be visible on the E-Poster Display Screen.

Colour suggestions:

  • When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green)
  • When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan)
  • Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colours that are difficult to read
  • Illustrations/images/photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details.

Instructions for Abstract Submission For Paper / Oral Presentation

Instructions for Abstract Preparation

1: LANGUAGE: Abstract must be typed and presented in English
2: FONT: Use font type Times New Roman, Font Size 12
3: WORD LIMIT: The abstract must be written within 300 words – excluding title, and the names of the author (s) and their institutions
4: CONTENT: The submitted abstracts must contain the following:

  • Objectives: State the main objective of the study
  • Materials and methods: Briefly describe the design of the study and how it was conducted
  • Results: Present the main results with appropriate statistics
  • Conclusion: Limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results.

5: TITLE: The title of the abstract must be typed in CAPITAL LETTERS with the exception of scientific names, which should be in upper- and lower-case forms and italicized.

  • The presenting author’s name must be underlined.
  • The presenting author’s name, institution, address, telephone and email address must be provided.
  • Presenting authors must be registered for the conference. Only Registered delegates will be allowed to present.

7: RIGHTS TO PUBLISH: In submitting the abstracts the authors also grant the organizing committee the right to publish the abstract in the proceedings both in hard and electronic form

8: ACCEPTANCE: Presenting author shall be notified of the status of the abstract after being reviewed by the committee, by email. Authors selected for presentation will be informed by 31st December 2024. Communication in this regard will be made through email only. Hence including email address along with abstract is mandatory.

Your abstract will be scored on the following criteria:

  • Scientific merit of the abstract.
  • Adequate sample size and proper statistical analysis.
  • Adherence to instructions, and Originality of work